Jodie Foster Atheist Lesbian Commune




The JFALC Flag


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Community Members and Positions

Toora - Cook, general handywoman, and our ride home

Auntiejo - Another cook, but won't spoil the broth

Juliek78 - General handywoman and Swiffer Extraordinaire

Feril - Insanely neat-freaky cleaning woman

Sillybunnies - Elementary school teacher (Our hero!)

Outside the Box Mom - Marketing and PR flack

Karenester - Cleaning woman, diaper changer, VCR programmer, (sigh) lawyer

Tabby - Leather-clad, whip-wielding webmistress and ordained minister

Megu - Nurse, children's bandage dispenser and owie kisser

Yvonne69 - Commune security, dental watchdog, and bartender, fem-lit storyteller

Gardenmommy - Gardener. Duh.

Katywtwingles - Stressed-out daycare provider for pre-schoolers, wallpainter

Alfreda1000 - Resident artist, comedienne, and can type if real work needed

Death by Choc - Mechanic and bell cryer, but not at the same time

Waughsferry - Health inspector (and can't be bribed!)

Dianeg2000 - Newsletter writer and editor, events planner on her spare time

Shooshy00 - Cheesecake tester and mean old book and movie critic

Harrycat - Baker, party coordinator, DJ, bartender, sleep deprived

Jorvia - Movie coordinator, librarian, estrogen-fueled remote control hogger

Mom of Ali - Multimedia librarian and Jazzercise instructor for the chocolate-enhanced

Displacedyank - MC and featured entertainer until she lands a gig in Vegas

Jfoster23 - (Not Jodie) Horse trainer, handyman, guitarist, and (mmmm) masseur

Jolittle85 - Portrait photography, laundry, motivational speaker (get us out of the jacuzzi!)

Originalone - Resident photographer. That's it. Cushy job, huh?

StillSearching - Smuggler (just in case), back-up babysitter (just in case)

Majungod - Supervisor and chocolate tester

Sarah1klein - We're not too sure what she does. Check the tanning beds...

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